Have More Fun, Make New Friends!

On December 14th, 2021 Members who attended the PYCC Neighbors and Newcomers club’s Christmas Cookie exchange and Thieving elves gift exchange where treated to a fabulous luncheon at Mary’s lovely home.  

Dec 8, 2021 Foodies Dining Out goes to Birch & Vine at The Birchwood in downtown St. Pete led by the top chef in the Tampa Bay area.  The evening started with drinks on the rooftop lounge called the Canopy.  When selecting a restaurant and atmosphere that gave us the holiday spirit, we looked towards Beach Drive and North Straub Park with its Festival of lights.  It was a wonderful dining experience.

May 4, 2021 Cinco de Mayo Meet-up at Nueva Cantina 

We had a nice group at Nuevo Cantina for Cinco De Mayo. Looks like everyone got into the spirit of the holiday and had fun!


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March 20, 2021 Mardi Gras Party

Our first large event since the Covid-19 lockdown took place and was a tremendous success. With over 3 dozen guests and many new members it was a beautiful evening to start our new season of events and to meet in person again. Guests dined on all the goodies that members brought. Please browse through the photos to see all the great masks and attire. It was great to see everyone and be out again.

February 22, 2020 Mardi Gras Party

PYCCNN Members and guests enjoyed the glitz of Marti Gras with New Orleans themed decorations and great cajun food.  We had over 3 dozen guests, lots of great masks and hats and tons of beads. Thanks to all our guests for bringing dishes to share so that we had a delicious spread of food. Lots of new friendships were started as we get to know our neighbors. We had an official "Mardis Gras King Cake". Lori Nelson snagged the "baby" in the cake making her next year's official "King" of the Mardis Gras. We finished off the night in the music room for some karaoke with some great singing dancing and more fun. Thanks to all who attended and participated in a very successful party.

February 2020 Jimmy B's Beach Bar Meetup

What a gorgeous day for a Tiki Bar outing. The bar was hopping and the band, Sweet Spot, had the crowd dancing to popular tunes. We had a great time enjoying the warm breezes and the sun's rays.

February 2020 Culture Tour

The morning began at 10am with "Coffee talks with Nan Colton" presenting Dora Maar-Picasso, The Drama and the Tears.  The MFA's ever popular artist-in-residence invites us to meet an artist or historical figure that gives voice and embodiment to the two-dimensional.  After the presentation we took a docent-led tour of the collection. And to round out the event, we had lunch at the MFA Cafe.  10 members and guests attended.

January 2020 Rock Star Wannabee's Karaoke

Thanks to all who attended and who belted out the latest hits. We had a few solos, some duos, some trios and some quartets. All were great and we had a lot of fun in the process. I hope you can get a sense of the atmosphere and fun in the pics. Enjoy!


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January 2020 Wine & Cheese Tasting (California Reds)

Thanks to all who attended our first wine & cheese tasting event. We had 8 different California red wines to choose from and a fine selection of cheeses. Everyone got a tasting and had to guess the type of red (Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Shiraz/Syrah or Merlot), the vintage, the rating and then note up to 5 characteristics of the wine. It was a tough competition and everyone worked hard to savor the wines and mark their score cards. Congratulations to David Swinboune who scored the highest and won a bottle of red wine!

December 2019 Bike Crawl to Abercrombie Park

For this month's bike crawl we took a more adventurous and longer route. We picked up the Pinnelas Trail and 26th Street and headed north. The trail takes you through many different neighborhoods. It was about a 10 mile ride to Tyrone Blvd. and 38th Street where we left the trail and headed over to lunch at Carrabas Grill. After our fortification, we biked down 38th Street which took us to Abercrombie Park which is yet another Jewel for Pinellas County residents. This waterfront park offers great view of the bay. For our trip back we took Park Avenue. This takes you through the neighborhoods with beautiful old homes and giant trees. We took another stop at Jungle Prada de Navaez Park. It again is on the water and offers great views and benches to rest on. Our last leg took us through the neighborhoods around Stetson University.

December 2019 St Pete Shuffleboard Meetup

It was a perfect evening for Shuffleboard. It was in the 70's and we had a light breeze. We divided ourselves into teams and the competition began. We played 6 games each with no clear winner. The club had music playing on the speaker system which contributed to the party atmosphere. With a table set up with food and drinks we were the envy of our neighbors. It was a fun night and we were appreciative of the St Petersburg Shuffleboard allowing us to play.

2019 Black, White & Red Holiday Party

Thanks to all who attended. It was a beautiful evening for hanging out on the balcony and doing some star gazing. We feasted on the shared food that everyone brought and toasted to the holidays with wine and champagne. It was a great venue for everyone to mix and mingle and to start to get to know one another. We all look forward to more events and meeting more of our neighbors!

Skyway Trail Bike Crawl, December 1, 2019 Pics

It was a gorgeous day for a bike excursion with temperatures in the mid 70s and cooler temps from cloud cover later on the return trip. We met at the back gate and headed out for the trail at 11:35. On the way, we were on the lookout for manatees and alligators. We stopped to check them out, but we did not stop long enough I imagine, to see any. At a stop for a water break, we were treated by seeing Ospreys flying around protective of their nests. we had a hardy lunch was at Beef O'Brady's to sustain us for our ride back. (It was good that we got there by 12:30 as the crowds started coming in for the football game soon after. Good to know for next time.) On the return trip we got off the main trail and went over the new elevated decking that runs through the woods down to the waters edge. We had some great views of Boca Ciega Bay from there. Our tour guide the rest of the way was Charlie Flanagan who took us along the scenic route along the waterfront and through Gulport's waterfront district. Thanks Charlie for the tour!

Jimmy Bs Meetup, November 18, 2019 Pics

Coffee Social, November 15, 2019 Pics

Bike Crawl, November 3, 2019 Pics

2019 Halloween Party Pics

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